Book Hotels Cheap, Fast & Easy

Hotels offer a plethora of rates – pre-paid, corporate, government, military discount, last-minute rates, and more. Finding the lowest available rate can be a hassle, much like finding the cheapest seat on an airplane. When you want to book hotels cheap, fast, and easy, you have essentially two options: negotiate directly with the hotelier of choice, or go through a third party website that has already negotiated a discounted rate. In the vast majority of cases, you’ll get the best deal through a third party provider or a meta-search engine that aggregates data from all other third party sites.

When is it cheapest to book hotels directly through the hotel website?

Book hotels directly if you want to:

  • Use credit card or hotel program reward points.
  • Earn loyalty points or gain exclusive “members-only” discounts.
  • Negotiate a room upgrade or choose a particular section of the hotel.
  • Purchase onsite amenities like breakfast, parking, or ticket bundle packages.

When is it cheaper to Book a hotel through a third party?

There are many different ways to save money on hotel booking through a third party website like Orbitz or Expedia. Most commonly, hotels sell off rooms to third party booking sites at a discount in exchange for the promotion and convenience of allowing users to browse and book through the site of their choice. Third party booking companies build their fees into the displayed price, but often, it’s still a lower rate than booking direct.

Some third party sites like Priceline or Hotwire offer exclusive “mystery deals” where you don’t know the exact name of the hotel you’re booking until after you’ve paid for it; you can see photos, descriptions, star ratings, and other details, but it’s sort of a gamble. Local indie hotels or newer establishments often promote through bigger third party sites for the exposure. Beyond mere expense, you may opt to book a hotel through a third party for security reasons; when traveling overseas, it can be a comfort knowing a third party American provider has got your back.

Hotel booking through a Meta search site is often cheaper, faster & easier

Hotel booking with metasearch engines like are on the rise as one of the most efficient ways to score affordable accommodations. We search across hundreds of major third party sites like Expedia, Orbitz, Priceline, Hotwire, and to see who is offering the lowest rate in the moment. When it’s time to book, you’ll be transferred to your site of choice to finalize the reservation process. Our meta-search site then earns a small referral commission from the third party site. It’s a “win” for all parties involved.

Many people simply like the interface of a particular meta-search site better. At, we give a very succinct listing of properties with the photo, address, star rating, reviewer rating, and key amenities. If location matters to you, you’ll find our landmark and map searches go above and beyond what most third party sites offer. Sure, you could Google the distance from a hotel and a landmark, but we do that for you and let you book a room all in one place. You can also sort offers by promo deals, reviewer scores, star rating, or most popular.

Get a Hotel Today!

If you need a hotel, why agonize over your decision any longer? Get a hotel today through Search over 2 million hotels in 192 countries. Refine your search by specific area, amenities like free parking or free breakfast, star rating, and hotel chain. Read over 280,000 traveler reviews to get a more accurate portrait of the available hotels. is your new and improved method to book hotels cheap, fast, and easy.



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